About Us

PILAR Indonesia was founded in January 2018 in Lombok, Indonesia, focusing on sustainable development. We build partnerships with intelligent communities and institutions, adhere to national values, respect diversity and international relations, and foster a commitment to grow together, side by side with nature.
We believe firmly in the transformative potential of wise development, where economic growth, education, public health, technological progress, social development and environmental management can synergize well.
Through the strength of the importance of multi-stakeholder platform optimization, we ensure the active participation of the community in every step of our journey, especially those who are categorized as part of vulnerable groups. We are committed to working within the Pentahelix framework with governments, the private sector, academia, civil society and the media in an effort to achieve our goals.
PILAR Indonesia is a collective force to realize sustainable development. Standing as a symbol of change, PILAR Indonesia specializes in the art of harmonizing the dynamics of development progress and prosperity with social justice, environmental preservation, inclusiveness, human ethical values, as well as sustainability principles which are the basic foundation for all real actions towards a sovereign society and nature.
- Economic and Environmental Synergy
PILAR Indonesia integrates economic development and environmental conservation in harmony, and designs strategies that stimulate strong economic growth, while still paying attention to the balance of sensitive ecosystems.
- Catalyst for Change
PILAR Indonesia mendorong dan memastikan proses pembangunan yang bertanggung jawab, etis, dan inklusif, melalui pendekatan kolaboratif dan aplikasi teknologi, serta menginspirasi gerakan global menuju praktik-praktik berkelanjutan.
- Optimization of Local Knowledge and Resources
PILAR Indonesia believes that knowledge is the basis of progress. By sharing expertise, knowledge, information and data and increasing awareness of the importance of optimizing site-level ideas and ideas, PILAR Indonesia empowers individuals, communities and organizations to become guardians of sustainable development.
- Community-Centered Approach
PILAR Indonesia believes that communities are the core of equitable development. Community or society is the key to change itself, so placing the community as a subject that will realize the distribution of social justice and inclusiveness becomes an important basis for ensuring sovereign and sustainable development.
- Strategic Partnership
PILAR Indonesia believes in the power of collaboration. PILAR Indonesia actively builds partnerships with experts, universities, government and non-government institutions, business, communities and media, to jointly develop a road map for just and sustainable change.

Encouraging balanced development and cultivating a harmonious relationship between humans and nature, for a better future for Indonesia.
Our Key Competencies
Strategic Management
Grant Management
Project Management
Consultancy & Training
Community Development
Sustainable Area Development

PILAR Indonesia is an inspiration and commitment expressed in real action and stands on its five pillars:
We are committed to preserving biodiversity and the very rich regional cultural heritage of Indonesia while remaining in harmony with nature.
We design initiatives to strengthen inclusive local economic growth based on locally owned resources and ensure that sustainability principles are internalized at every stage.
We position the community as subjects, champions and agents of change in realizing inclusive and sustainable community-based development efforts towards a civil society.
We rely on technology to improve efficiency, productivity and quality of output
We respect every process in achieving common goals, respect every individual who interacts with us, and respect nature which always gives life.

Indra Wardhani has 20 years of experience in the development sector, with key expertise in leadership, capacity building and project management. She has long been involved in leading foreign investment companies, state-owned companies, multinational companies, international donor organizations and non-profit organizations. Currently she is studying for a master's degree, finally obtaining a full Master of Business Administration (MBA) scholarship at INTI International University Malaysia.
Not only that, she has also been successful in obtaining two Australia Awards short study scholarships, namely "Sustainable Tourism for Regional Growth" at Griffith University in 2015 in Queensland, Australia, and "Enhancing Market Integration with Australia for MSME Business Leaders in Creative and Cultural Industry” at Monash University in 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. She has also obtained a number of qualifications from international training in Organizational Development and Management, Project Management, Leadership and Permaculture Design.
During her career in building a better Indonesia, she has succeeded in obtaining and managing grant funds from various donor agencies for sustainable development programs in eastern Indonesia, especially in West Nusa Tenggara Province.

Our Team
Meet Our Dream Team

Diah Miftahul Aini
R&D Manager

Vera Irsanti
Community Empowerment Coordinator

Ulya Rahmi
Sales Manager

Muhammad Nune
Media Coordinator

Hendri Guswanto
Spatial Planner/GIS Specialist

Baiq Desy Ratnasari
Natural Product Chemistry Specialist

Febrina Sulistiawati
Community Nutrition & Food Safety Specialist

Romy Hidayat
Health & Wellbeing Specialist

Novia Purnama
Sales Representative

L.M. Danur Alparizi
Sales Representative

Rizki Saputra
Sales Representative